Thursday, December 3, 2009

More information on Coconut

I want to thank Midge Steuber for researching futher. Here is the information that she passed on to me.

There is a lot of misinformation in the above video...
Let me begin my replying with a response from Dr John McDougall and Jeff Novick
From DR John McDougall:

The Newest Food-Cure: Coconut Oil for Health and Vitality

Coconut oil is the newest miracle food promoted on the Internet and at health food stores for rejuvenation and cure of “whatever ails you.” Advocates of coconut oil claim this sensational food has anti-microbial, anti-heart disease, anti-cancer, and anti-obesity benefits. Furthermore, this fat is sold as a cure for low thyroid function (hypothyroidism). This is a huge turnaround for a substance that has traditionally been thought of as an artery-clogging saturated fat. Testimonials provide most of the evidence for the miraculous effects these oils have on people, rather than well thought out and carefully designed experiments. Thus, most of these claims are based on a little truth overblown into a sales pitch for sellers of coconut oil. You and your family will not find salvation by buying these products. A pint of extra virgin coconut oil costs $12 to $18 (US).

Claims Found on the Internet for Coconut Oil

Improves thyroid function—“The new thyroid cure.”
Inactivates HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis, measles, and influenza viruses
Destroys listeria monocytogenes, H pylori and other bacteria
Kills Giardia lamblia parasites
Reduces risk of atherosclerosis and related illnesses (heart disease)
Reduces risk of cancer
Supports immune system function
Helps prevent osteoporosis
Helps control diabetes
Promotes weight loss
Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin
Helps protect against skin cancer and other blemishes
Protects against alcohol liver damage

This oil is 92% saturated (it does contain a small amount of the unsaturated oils). Coconut oil is unusually rich in short and medium chain fatty acids, like lauric and capric acid. Most commonly it has been used as cooking oil and in baking. The oil has a high smoke point - higher than butter - and is resistant to oxidation and rancidity. Hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated coconut oil is a prominent ingredient in non-dairy creamers and in snack foods. Nonfood uses for coconut oil include soaps, cosmetics, Bio-diesel fuel, hair styling gels, and as a skin moisturizer.

Common Coconut Products

Raw coconut (meat): This is coconut right out of the shell. Eating raw coconut would clearly be most healthful—or least damaging.

Coconut milk and light coconut milk is usually bought in cans and used to make soups and curries. It is less concentrated in fat than coconut oil.

Coconut butter and coconut oil are the same. We generally think of oil as being liquid, which coconut oil is above approximately 76°F (20-25°C). Below that temperature it would be more solid and the consistency of “butter.”

Virgin, cold pressed, and DME (Direct Micro Expeller) coconut oils are made with the least amount of processing. Fresh coconut meat is grated, pressed and then the oil is separated from the other components by various mechanical processes (squeezed, filtered, and/or expeller).

RBD (Refined, Bleached & Deodorized) oil is produced from dried coconut meat (copra) after drying, refining, bleaching and deodorizing. The final product is yellowish-white with a thick texture and no taste or odor. This form is the commercial product used in baked goods and for popping corn.

Artery Disease and Coconut

Even though coconut oil is high in saturated fat, populations consuming large quantities of coconut products (such as in the Philippines), have low rates of heart disease—but this is likely due to their overall diet—with a very low consumption of meats (cholesterol) and processed foods and high intakes of rice and vegetables—rather than the coconut.

The damaging effects of processed (hydrogenated) oils are shown in animal models.1 Hamsters fed hydrogenated coconut oil with or without cholesterol in their diet quickly develop lipid rich lesions (early atherosclerosis) in their arteries with rapid progression of artery disease when the diet is continued.1 Studies on rats demonstrate that highly processed coconut oils, as opposed to virgin coconut oils, have the most adverse effects on cholesterol.2 Thus, foods that have been altered from their natural state the most by processing have the most adverse effects.

When coconut oils were fed to forty-seven Pacific Islanders, along with their regular diet of fish, meat, cheese, chicken and fruits and vegetables, their cholesterol levels were found to be significantly lower than when they were fed a similar diet with similar amounts of butter fat.3 However, when polyunsaturated safflower oil was used then the cholesterol levels were even lower than with the coconut oils. Thus, coconut fat seems to be slightly better than butter—but not much. And as most of you know, safflower and other free vegetable oils are a health hazard even if they do lower cholesterol. (See my article “Vegetable Fat as Medicine”

Pacific Islanders’ Cholesterol Levels on Various Dietary Oils:

Butter 213 mg/dl (5.61 IU)

Coconut 208 mg/dl (5.47 IU)

Safflower 194 mg/dl (5.10 IU)

In another study on 83 people, coconut oil was found to raise cholesterol by 10% when coconut oil supplied about 75% of calories – now that is a high fat diet.4

Weight Loss and Coconut

Medium chained fats, like those found in coconut oils, are promoted for their ability to increase energy expenditure and to improve appetite satisfaction—resulting in weight loss.5 Coconut oil is 100% fat that the body will store effortlessly. The original purpose of this fat is to supply energy for the sprouting nut so that it can begin growing into a tree. This same concentrated energy is effortlessly stored into your body fat as the “metabolic dollar” to be spent the day food is no longer available (hasn’t happened yet).

McDougall’s Thoughts:

My conclusion is that coconut is a natural plant food which can have a small place in most people’s diets. As a whole food the oils are combined with the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other plant components in a way that makes them safe. When the oil is removed by processing from its natural surroundings then it becomes a medicine at best and a toxin at worst—just like other oils (corn oil removed from corn, olive oil removed from olives, etc.) The more processing— the worse the oil.

If you decide to include this high fat food in your diet; then realize that coconut is very rich, packed with calories and fats. You will likely gain weight if this becomes a big part of your diet. People with weight-dependent diseases, like type 2 diabetes and degenerative arthritis of the lower extremities should be very careful about including coconut in any form. Otherwise, as a condiment—like other nuts and seeds—coconut will add unique flavors to your meals and provide quality nutrients. Just think of it as a treat. Have you ever tried to open a coconut? One reason they are packaged in such hard shells may be to keep people from eating too much of a good thing.


1) Mangiapane EH, McAteer MA, Benson GM, White DA, Salter AM. Modulation of the regression of atherosclerosis in the hamster by dietary lipids: comparison of coconut oil and olive oil. Br J Nutr. 1999 Nov;82(5):401-9.

2) Cox C, Sutherland W, Mann J, de Jong S, Chisholm A, Skeaff M. Effects of dietary coconut oil, butter and safflower oil on plasma lipids, lipoproteins and lathosterol levels. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1998 Sep;52(9):650-4.

3) Nevin KG, Rajamohan T. Beneficial effects of virgin coconut oil on lipid parameters and in vitro LDL oxidation. Clin Biochem. 2004 Sep;37(9):830-5.

4) Ng TK, Hassan K, Lim JB, Lye MS, Ishak R. Nonhypercholesterolemic effects of a palm-oil diet in Malaysian volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Apr;53(4 Suppl):1015S-1020S.

5) St-Onge MP, Jones PJ. Physiological effects of medium-chain triglycerides: potential agents in the prevention of obesity. J Nutr. 2002 Mar;132(3):329-32.


From Jeff Novick:

Jaggu wrote:
Hi Jeff,

I have read Dr McDougall and others such as Dr Esslysten talk about not using a drop of oil especially for those who have had heart diease and want to reverse it.

I understand that some oils may contain saturated fat which is bad as it gets converted into Cholesterol. Oils are also high in calories so it will be difficult to maintain healthy weight at the same time keep consuming oil which is high in fat (1 tbsp = 14 g = 140 Calories)

Now what if if someone is consuming oils which are very low in saturated fat and high in mono and polyunsaturated fat and used in a very low quantity such as say less than a tbsp?


My question to you is, why oil?

Due to very effective marketing and advertising, we have become convinced that oil is not only a food, but a health food. This is crazy. To be a food, something must be able to support healthy life and be of some benefit.

Oil is a highly refined processed and extracted food "product". It has no protein or essential amino acids (which we need), it has no carbohydrates, or sugars (which we need), it has no fiber (which we need), it has no minerals (which we need) and has virtually no vitamins (which we need) except for a small amount of Vit E and some phytosterols.

But, on the other hand, it is pure fat and the most calorie dense food on the planet. While all oils have a mixture of mono, poly and saturated fat, most oils are very low in the essential fat omega 3 (which some of us may need more of), very high in the omega 6 (which most of us need to lower) and most oils also have high ratios of omega 6 to omega 3 (which most all of us need to lower).

So, basically you are getting lots of calories (oils has almost 2.5 x more calorie per TB than sugar). lots of omega 6s, some saturated fat (depending on the oil) and virtually no nutrients.

The definition of a junk food is a food that is high in calories (and/or fat, sugar, salt) and has little if any nutrient value at all.

IMHO (and by definition), Oil, is more of a junk food than sugar. And, I hope that in a few years, we will all come to understand it and see it, as such.

Jaggu wrote:
So we can conclude that if oil is used liberally it will raise cholesterol levels, weight gain and other associated problem such as high blood pressure, diabetes etc etc.

I do not conclude that. I conclude that oil will significantly increase the calorie density and significantly decrease the "overall" nutrient density of any diet it is added to, which are the exact opposite goals most people are working towards.

Diets with increased calorie density can lead to obesity and obesity does increase your risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many others.

Some oils, depending on the percent saturated fat they contain may directly increase cholesterol levels.

Here is something to think about... right now the typical American diet is 10-12% saturated fat. Olive oil is around 14% saturated fat. The AHA is now recommending that Americans reduce the percentage of saturated fat in their diet to below 10%, if not below 7% (for those at risk, which is just about everyone is America). I think below 5% is optimal.

So, Olive oil = 14%
American Diet = 12%
AHA = 7-10%
Optimal = < 5%

How much of something 14% Saturated fat, can you add to something that is already 12% saturated fat to get the total saturated fat below 10%? let alone below 7%, let alone below 5%? smile

By, the way, guess how many oils have a saturated fat level below 10%? let alone below 7%, let alone below 5%?

Jaggu wrote:
Can you please explain why oil even in small quantity is prohibited on reversal diet? Should we treat fat from oil equivalent to other fats or there is something beyond fat in an oil which is nutritionally dangerous?

We should treat oil for what it really is (junk food) and the same way we treat other foods in the same category.

Oil is junk food. Pure and simple. Treat it like the junk food it really is.

If you choose to include a small amount of junk food in your diet, that is up to you. I am sure most people, if they otherwise have an optimal diet, could get away with around 5% of their calories from junk food and not be harmed by it.

However, you would probably want to choose the junk food that is going to do the least harm and has the best overall picture But, I am not going to recommend one, or try to figure out which is the best junk food for you. smile

In Health
Jeff Novick, MS, RD

PS, OK, I will. The only oil, that comes close to the criteria I mentioned is canola oil. It is the lowest in saturated fat, one of the highest in omega 3s and the only one with a ratio of omega 6: omega 3 that is less than 4:1. Now, to be clear, I am not recommending you consume canola oil, but in comparison to all other oils, I think it has the best overall picture. Smile

From me:

Be well,
Midge (:

Friday, November 27, 2009

Carnivore or Herbivore ???

This is an argument that goes back and forth; all kinds of answerer's are given on both sides of the debate. There is a way to find out and that is to examine the evolutionary anatomy of the human body to see how its digestive track has evolved. This is short compilation of physiology findings concerning carnivores and herbivores. I used the charts provided on

Here is an answer to the question as to whether or not humans are herbivores or carnivores. Milton R. Mills MD. is the author of "The Comparative anatomy of eating" I suggest that you visit the link to see his chart,
Comparative physiology shows how the human body has evolved. The idea that primitive man ate a diet of primarily of meat appears to be flawed. At best early man was an omnivore with the greatest part of his diet being plant based like we see in gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees.
Let’s look at comparative anatomy of herbivores and carnivores. There are many similarities, but there are very distinct differences. First off herbivores have no claws; Carnivores have claws, and long sharp teeth on the end of a long snout for ripping and tearing hide and flesh. Herbivores molars are not pointed but flat for grinding. Herbivores jaws have the ability to move sideways to aid in there mastication. Carnivores and omnivores have very little sideways jaw movement and swallow their food whole. Herbivores have pores in their skin to perspire through; Carnivores perspire through the tongue to cool down their bodies. Carnivores have evolved very acid saliva with no enzymes for digestion. Herbivores have alkaline saliva with ptyalin enzymes to help digest fruits and grains. Carnivores have very strong hydrochloric stomach acid to help digest flesh. Herbivores have evolved stomach acid twenty times weaker than carnivores. Carnivores have evolved a relative short digestive track to pass the material through quickly so as to not absorb too many fats. Herbivores have evolved very long digestive tracks in order to aid in extracting nutrition from plants.
Now let’s look at human anatomy and see how the human has evolved. Humans have no claws, their teeth are flat and their jaws move sideways for grinding and chewing their food before swallowing. Humans have pores in their skin that they perspire through to cool themselves. Humans have evolved hydrochloric stomach acid twenty times weaker than carnivores. Humans have alkaline saliva with ptyalin enzymes for digesting fruits and grains. Humans have evolved a very long digestive tract like other herbivores.
When you examine how the human anatomy has evolved it appears obvious that we are herbivores. There is a lot of evidence but one of the most notable is that humans will generally become ill or dye when eating uncooked flesh like a wild carnivore. Humans do not contain the stomach enzymes that kill harmful bacteria and parasites that carnivores do. Also all carnivores produce enzymes that neutralize the uric acid in their diet, humans produce no such enzymes. When a human eats a diet high in animal products they suffer a number of heath problem associated with uric acid. Gout, kidney stones, kidney failure, arthritis, certain cancers, cardio vascular disease and now uric acid has been connected to chronic brain ischemia.
Humans do not digest animal proteins well, and animal based foods cause many detrimental health problems for humans. Second because humans are anatomical herbivores we thrive on plant proteins. Comparative anatomy shows herbivore physiologic evolution in humans. Dennis Renner

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

November Vegetarian Pot luck

Vegetarian Potluck : Come and join in on the fun, learn new and healthy recipes and get to meet others interested in healthy eating. Pine Shadows Clubhouse: November 5th at 5:40 p.m. Please bring a dish and recipe to share. Please bring your own table service Contact: Vincent Albert at 274-0490

Monday, June 8, 2009

Another East Indian Dish


1 can of dice tomatoes
2# 15 ounce cans of chickpeas
1 medium onion chopped
4 cloves of garlic minced
1 tablespoon of Annis
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of raw sugar
Cayenne pepper to taste
3 teaspoons of East Indian Curry powder
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
3 tablespoons of cooking oil

In a small skillet place 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, Annis, curry powder minced garlic, cinnamon, salt and raw sugar. Cook over a low heat blending it into a spice paste.

In a large skillet place the remaining tablespoon of cooking oil, the chopped onion and saute till onion is tender. Next add the can of tomatoes and cornstarch stir in the cornstarch while the tomatoes is still cold until evenly dispersed. Next add the spice paste and the two cans of chickpeas to the mixture. Add the cayenne pepper to taste. Over a medium heat blend together till mixture is lightly boiling then turn down to simmer and cook for 30 minutes.

Serve over a bed of basmati rice.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Water Crisis

Here is an example as to how everything is connected. Our personal choices do effect humanity and our planet.

Water Crisis Pt 2

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Politics of Diet

I have tried to stay away from the political side of eating animal products and only promote the health aspects of eating a Vegan or Vegetarian diet. Their is a side to how eating animal products in this country and around the world is being recognized as a danger to humanity. Many want to label this as political and there for should not be discussed. The truth is that it is risk management from a scientific perspective. The UN and most governments around the world are beginning to realize that the large scale animal food production is polluting, a major cause of global warming, the cause of our water shortages, Major cause of topsoil loss and a leading factor in human starvation and unrest. The whole animal food production system is unsustainable and truly a detriment to all of humanity. It is a risk that humanity can no loner afford. Every time we educate ourselves and others to this risks we gain ground in changing and correcting human behavior. These lessons are to important not to share with all our friends and relatives. Direct them to this blog and share the knowledge and always set an example for others.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What Makes You Sick

More and more doctors are coming to the realization that an animal base foods are unhealthy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A great artical on diet.

Here is the link to an "Vegetarian diet: panacea for modern lifestyle diseases? " This artical really cuts to the heart of the subject. Great read.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

10 Worst Foods

A great video to share with your friends and family that are have health problems related to eating the (SAD) Standard American Diet.

Super Foods

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The True Cost of Food

Everyone likes Cartoons so here is a one the whole family can enjoy and learn from.

Great New Video From John Robbins

Here is the Link to that video and other information. Thanks Midge

It¹s a holiday week when peopleacross the world are consuming pigs,chickens and lambs by the millions. We thought we¹d let EarthSave founderJohn Robbins explain why it mightbe a good idea to re-think ourcarnivorous holiday traditions. Watch the video: (Warning: Tragic images and language) Peas & Love,Jeff & Other recent videos: John McDougall MD: My health awakening Jay Gordon MD: Defeating the culture of obesity Jeffrey Masson: On his new book, ³The Face on Your Plate: The Truth AboutFood²: Upcoming Events: American Vegan Society Annual Meeting: Healthy Lifestyle Expo: P.S. Please share VegSource e-mails andvideos with friends and colleagues. That's how we grow. Thanks. ================================== VegSource Interactive, Inc.19360 Rinaldi StreetSuite 438Porter Ranch, CA 91326

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

World Food Crisis

This post is in response to a report I did on the world fresh water crisis. That report is now a blog of its own. Here is the link:
This video below shows how each one of us that becomes Vegan or Vegetarian should be aware of how important this choice is not only for our own health but for the health of of humanity and our planet. Becoming a Vegan or Vegetarian has never been as important as it is today. Please watch the videos and visit the Blog linked above and share it with your friends and family. The message here is to important to let pass.

Sincerely, Dennis Renner

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Aloo Gobi

Aloo Gobi Recipe

1 head of cauliflower
5 Russet potatoes
1 large onion
4 teaspoons of East Indian curry
5 cloves of garlic minced
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 can of chick peas 16 oz
1/4 cup of lecithin granules
1 can of tomato sauce 16 oz
1 can of diced tomatoes 28 oz
2 tablespoons of anis seeds
4 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons raw sugar
1 inch x 1 inch minced fresh ginger
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
4 tablespoons of olive oil

First we will make the spice paste. In a small skillet add two tablespoons of olive oil, the 5 cloves of minced garlic, minced fresh ginger, 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon, one teaspoon of salt, 3 teaspoons of curry powder. Heat on medium till garlic is cooked then remove from heat.

Next we will make the chickpea sauce. In a blender add ½ of a large onion, 1can of chickpeas, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, ¼ cup of lecithin granules, 1 teaspoon of salt. Blend till smooth and creamy.

Next step in a large deep skillet add the other half of the onion chopped and sautéed in 2 tablespoons of olive oil till onion is tender. Add the tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, 2tablespoons of raw sugar, 1 teaspoon of curry, and 2 tablespoons of anis. Add all the chickpea sauce from the blender, 2 teaspoons of salt and the spice paste that we made earlier into the mix. Over a medium low heat stir and simmer for 5 minutes.

In a 9.5” x 13.5” Pyrex dish place the chopped pieces of cauliflower and chopped potatoes. Potatoes and cauliflower should be even with top of the dish. I try to keep the potatoes in about ¾ inch chunks. Pour the mixture from the deep skillet over the potatoes and cauliflower. Place aluminum foil over the dish and bake at 375 for one hour. Then remove the foil and lower the heat to 275 and bake for another 2 hours. Serve hot.

Aloo Gobi is an East Indian dish. This particular Aloo Gobi recipe is my own creation and is a favorite at our house. We often serve it with Poor-mans Saffron Rice and a salad I hope you will enjoy it as much as we have. Dennis and Glenda Renner

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Acid Foods and Toxins

Acid Foods

Learn how acid foods are detrimental to your health.

Treating Type 2 Diabetes with a Vegan Diet

Food is Your Medicine

A great video on diet. This is just a preview, it is well worth finding and viewing the full version.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Vegan Potatoes A Gratin

Vegan Scalloped Potatoes


2 cans of chickpeas
½ cup of lecithin granules
4 T of lemon Juice
4 T of extra virgin olive oil
2 t of salt
Potatoes washed unpeeled and thinly sliced
2 T of mustard
½ cup of corn meal
½ cup of water

Prepare a double recipe of Dennis’s Chickpea Cheese Sauce in advance from recipe in previous post.

In an oiled and floured 9”X13” baking dish layer thinly sliced potatoes and them pour a thin layer of the Chickpea Cheese Sauce over the potatoes. Spread it out evenly and them add another layer of sliced potatoes. Continue this until you have nearly filled the dish. With last remaining cup of chickpea cheese sauce still in the blender add a ½ cup of cornmeal, ½ a cup of water and two tablespoons of mustard. Blend till mixed thoroughly and pour over the top of the potatoes to create the topping. Bake for one hour at 375 degrees covered with aluminum foil. After the hour remove the foil and lower the temperature to 275 degrees for another hour. Serve hot.

Please leave comments about how you liked or disliked any of the recipes. Or you can leave suggestions as to how to make them better. Just click on the word comment below. Thanks

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Dennis’s Chickpea Cheese Sauce

1 Can of garbanzos 16 oz. including the juice. (Organic recommended)
½ large onion
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
¼ Cup of lecithin granules
1 Teaspoon mineral salt or sea salt

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend till smooth and creamy.
If serving over Broccoli or other vegetables cook over a very low heat in a saucepan stirring often till heated throughly.

For use in making vegan scalloped potatoes or other cheesy flavored casseroles pour directly from blender and bake.

To change this from a sauce to more of a paste consistency, remove the juices from garbanzo from the recipe.

Have fun with this recipe by adding chives or capers. For a more exotic taste add Balsamic vinegar in place of the lemon juice.
Experiment and have fun with it. Enjoy!
Lentil Dahl

Two cups of lentils
8 cups of water
4 Teaspoons of mineral salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
4 teaspoons of Indian curry powder
2 tablespoons of anis
½ an onion chopped and sautéed
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 cup of garbanzo beans
1 cup of black beans

Place all ingredients into a crock-pot and let cook for 2 to 3 hours on high. Shortly before serving remove 4 cups of mixture and put in a blender and liquefy. Place back into crock and stir together.
Serve over a bed of Basmati rice.

Poor-mans Saffron Rice

4 cups of water
2 cups of rice
2 teaspoons of mineral salt
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ cup of pine nuts
2 teaspoons of anis

Place water in to kettle and bring to boil, add rice and all other ingredients to water and bring water back to a boil. Turn heat to lowest setting and cover for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and add two table spoons of olive oil and stir. Its ready to serve.


Golden Lentil Stew Serves 6 to 8

2 T extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
½ cup dried chickpeas, soaked in water overnight
8 cups homemade or low-sodium store bought
vegetable stock

4 cups of water
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 T finely chopped fresh cilantro,
plus 1T coarsely chopped

3 t of coarse salt
4 celery stocks, finely chopped
4 ripe tomatoes peeled and finely chopped
1 cup yellow lentils, rinsed
1T tomato paste
1T fresh lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick
½ t sweet paprika
½ t of turmeric
½ t ground ginger
½ t ground coriander
¼ t ground nutmeg
¼ t freshly ground pepper
1/8 t ground cloves
5 ounces of orzo or vermicelli broken into pieces
½ cup chopped, pitted dates
2 T of coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley,
plus whole leaves for garnish
1 lemon cut into wedges

Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion, and cook 5 minute. Add chickpeas, stock and water and simmer until tender, about 45 minutes.
Mash garlic, finely chopped cilantro and salt into a paste. Add garlic paste, lemon juice, and spices to pot. Simmer until lentils are tender, 30 to 40 minutes.
Add pasta and dates, and cook, stirring occasionally, until pasta is al dente, about 10 minutes. Stir in coarsely chopped cilantro and parsley. Garnish with parsley leaves, and serve with lemon wedges.

Pot of Gold: This slightly sweet Moroccan chickpea and lentil stew, known as hariara, is brightened by spices and lemon.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Famous Vegans and Vegetarians

Its interesting to see how many famous people though out history have been inspired to eat a healthier diet. Enjoy the Video:

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This first recipe is an old favorite:
Aunt Rosie's Eggless Raisin Cake
In a large sauce pan boil one cup of raisins in two cups of water for 10 minutes.
Then add ½ cup of virgin olive oil and let cool. Now in the same sauce pan add
1 ¾ cups of whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon of salt
1 cup of raw sugar
½ teaspoon of cinnamon
½ teaspoon of nutmeg
1 cup of chopped pecans or walnuts

Mix it all together (no sifting required) Pour into an oiled and floured 11x7 baking pan or dish.
Preheat the oven to 350° t0 375° and bake for 35 minutes serve warm or cold.
Yum Yum!

If you have any recipes you would like to share with others please send them to and I will post them for you. Thanks so much

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tragic Results of Eating Meat

Once again another great video on the benefits of a plant based diet. Enjoy and share this blog with your family and friends. As always feel free to comment on any of the posts.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Word is Out

Here is a video on CNN connecting the eating of meat to cancer. Must see TV

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Favorite Books on Healthy Eating

Here is a list of my favorite books on eating healthy:

Diet for a New America, by John Robbins

The Compassionate Cook, Warner Books

The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell

Diet for a New World, By John Robbins

The Mad Cowboy, by Howard Lyman

The Food Revolution, By John Robbins

Healthy at 100, By John Robbins

Harvest for Hope, by Jane Goodall

If you have any titles and authors of books to add to this list please feel free to email them to me so that I can add them to the list, Thanks

CNN News Video

Here is an interest video on how the ever growing popularity of vegetarianism and vegan ism is spreading. Here is a great way to reduce your carbon foot print.

Welcome to the Vegan Times

This Blog is dedicated to the sharing of information on eating a healthy diet. We welcome recipes, book suggestions, questions, and links to healthy living web sites.

This blog can also be used as a tool to connect members to events, potlucks and the sharing of ideas on diet and its affects on humanity and our planet.

Share this blog with friends and neighbors who are looking to better their lives and health.

I will get things started by linking a couple of my favorite YouTube videos on veganism, I hope you will enjoy them. Dennis